Sunday, November 14, 2010

A New Poem about Sweet Truth!!!

A Captive of Grace, a Bondservant of Christ
Years I was shackled
Blind and depraved
Thinking it was more of the world
That I craved

The rope of deceit
Held me fast in my sin
 My transgressions kept me
Bound from within

The prison guard, Satan
Had one purpose and goal
To keep me clueless and comfortable
Until the demise of my soul

All the while I imagined
That freedom was mine
Though now I know Truth
I was sin’s slave the whole time

When I realized that I
Was caught in death’s pit
I pretended the fire of Christ
In my heart was now lit

I went through the motions
Dotted i’s, crossed the t’s
Thinking now, by my works
I was happy and free

But self-righteousness enslaves
Just as fiercely as sins
I thought I’d escaped
Yet, ‘twas a new cell I was in

Would you believe it was when
Humbled now to the ground
I had but to look up
And there Jesus I found

He plucked me out of that misery
All tied up in doubt
And He showed me what freedom
Is really about

He gave me peace
And sweet liberty
For once in my life
I actually felt free

But believe it or not
I’m a shackled slave still
Though now I am joyful
No resentment I feel

For I’m a bondservant of Christ
Held fast, deep in His love
Forever I’ll be His blessed prisoner
In Heaven above

©Allix Brunson 11-14-10


Unknown said...

aww, lovely!! We have a God most worthy of praise!

Rachel Greene said...

Allix, this is GREAT! Funny thing, whenever I was reading this I kept rapping it in my mind. haha :D Lecrae or Triplee should get a hold of this. :D

Michele Ann Greene said...


Michele Ann Greene said...

I enjoyed this poem very much. I am glad these thoughts are in your heart and mind. Love you, mrs greene

Shelbi said...

This is great! And I LOVE your new profile picture!